Living Outside the Box
Moving Out the Box
Today I am known as the top authority in microwave cooking and technology, great stuff you may say? Well, let me tell you that before I reached this height of success I failed and I failed really miserably. In the 80's I desperately needed to supplement our income so I applied for a position as a microwave oven demonstrator. No problem other than I had never, ever used or owned a microwave oven. With determination and zeal I got the position with six other keen ladies. We had to meet at the test kitchen in Salt River so that we could be shown the "ropes" of microwave cooking. Confident me, I can cook and I cook very well; so, I most certainly won't be having a problem. At the test kitchen we were given boxes of cake mixes, ingredients, the recipe, the utensils and the microwave oven. Seven ladies started to microwave. As the ping of the oven went I confidently opened the door knowing that there would be a beautiful well risen chocolate cake. I would be the star of the show.

I used all my baking knowledge, folded and mixed the ingredients correctly. The lady next to me had a beautiful well risen cake. Mine had not risen one inch. A flat flop. Not deterred by my failure, I thought that was my first try and mixed the next batch. By the seventh batch I knew I was in trouble I did not know how to bake in the microwave oven. I sank below the kitchen counter. Nearly on my knees I prayed "Lord, please help me." I was being watched with a keen eye, I then decided to ask the lady next to me, "How do you bake in the microwave oven?" She replied, "I really don't know because I can't bake." Oh, that helps a lot for my confidence, I thought. She then told me, "I just throw the ingredients together, stir, mix and bake." My first lesson taught by someone who could not even bake. More than 30 years later I have risen from flop and failure to success, travelled the world. I still use my microwave oven and promote this fabulous method of cooking. I have a blog How did I do it? Would love to share with you... You can wear so many different "hats" when you move out of the box. Life becomes exciting! I invite you to visit me on my blog.